Replace one color in an image with another - Pixelmator Pro User Guide.Replace a Color - Pixelmator Classic Tutorials
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Pixelmator replace one color with another free.Replace ColorCan't select the colour I want in Replace Color - Pixelmator Community.
I have a simple image with an off-white background. I would like to make that off-white background be pure white. I can use the "Replace Color" tool to select the off-white but I don't know how to then get that selected color to be set to my desired color of pure white. Check the off white areas now hopefully white with the eye-dropper tool and keep dragging along until the eye-dropper registers 0 colours.
You shouldn't need to drag it far a few points and beware as it will alter some other colours slightly. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. How do I replace a color with pure white? Ask Question. If you're using Pixelmator Pro only Method 1 will apply and menu items will be in different places.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you get stuck and post an image if you do. It'll be easier to show you either of those methods with your own image.
Fri Aug 24, pm Hey st3f, thanks for reply. Think of a Jackson Pollack with 10, pixels of black and the other , pixels are different colors. How would you select just the 10, black pixels if you want to turn them all transparent? So, not sure how to even attempt method 1 or 2. I'm sure I'm just not getting something. I have too many black pixels that are too spread out to select them all individually.
It would be cool to just be able to manipulate the underlying HEX code. Fri Aug 24, pm Jackson Pollock? Method 2. Definitely method 2. It's not as complex as it sounds. Trust me. This might convince you. Jackson Pollock: Jackson Pollock with transparent black and a hideous vibrant green showing through from below.
It may not be exactly what you wanted but here's hoping it's close enough. Might be overkill to learn just to edit one image, though. Fri Aug 24, pm Hey st3f, Got method 2 to work.
Also got the layers reversed. Sat Aug 25, am Yay. Glad to hear it worked. I refused to believe that such a great app as Pixelmator does not have an easy way to do this, so I did poke around a little bit and found out that it is actually very easy to do in this version. So I thought I might just share this, for those who would like to accomplish the same: In Pixelmator Pro you can simply use "select color range" for this.
You can reach it via the vertical tool bar on the right hand side of the applications window. The 5th tool from the top is the icon for "quick selection". Quick Links What's new?
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